Mrs. Cleary-Haire is a professional, motivating, dedicated, inspiring and compassionate individual.
She was my Grade Ten writing teacher and Grade Eleven English teacher. It was an absolute privilege to attend her classes; she was always focused, energetic and supportive.
In 2012, thanks to Mrs. Cleary-Haire’s encouragement, I joined the public speaking committee. Being part of this committee was an excellent opportunity. My confidence level in the beginning of high school was almost non-existent, but you pushed me to go out of my comfort zone. Thanks to this experience, I have improved on my communication skills, taken on several leadership roles, and ultimately, I am a more confident person.
Thank you for your guidance, friendship, and even for your discipline. I learned that I am strongest when I recognize my weaknesses. Thank you for taking the time to be my friend.
As William Arthur Ward once said, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”