Teachers change lives every day

Thank you, Mr. Warren

Author: McKenzie McHugh
Teacher's name: Marc Warren
Teacher's school: Ascension Collegiate

It was once said by Sir William A. Ward that, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

Marc Warren has been one of my teachers since grade 7. He has not only been a teacher to me, but he has been a great friend and most certainly the best go to. He is one of the most inspiring men you will ever meet.

For those of you who have never met Mark Warren, he is great, helpful, inspiring and overall, just an amazing guy. Having a teacher for 6 years of your life that you can develop a special bond with is more than enough. Mr. Warren does everything he can in his power to help out around

Mr. Warren does everything he can in his power to help out around school, around the community, and even on his own time he’s trying to help. Whether it has to do with helping another student, staying up continuous hours in the night to write a play for his drama team, or even volunteering for events around the school.

Throughout the last six years, from grade 7 to grade 12, Mr. Warren has helped me through more things than you can imagine. Having a teacher by your side for six years means a lot. It is more than enough.

I would like to send out a special thank you to Mr. Marc Warren for everything you have done for me and for everything you have done for everybody else. You are an inspiration, sir. You’re one of the biggest motivators I have ever met in my life and I hope that you continue to motivate and inspire other students, like you inspired me.

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