I would like to begin my story by thanking Mr. Hillier for being such an amazing math teacher. I have often struggled with mathematics, and this year that really changed. What really helped, was knowing that he would never stop believing that I could do better. If I got a “bad mark” on a test, he would always give the opportunity for a second chance. He believed in me when I couldn’t believe in myself. I truly believe that I have come a long way this year, and I think math has a lot to do with that. I struggle heavily with anxiety, and math has offered me an alternative focus; as an analogy, I know if I keep working at it, there is and will always be a solution to every problem. I have been accepted to do an Applied Mathematics degree at Memorial University, and I really think that math is my future. This is the first year, that I had a teacher that never gave up on me. He made me understand that a bad mark does not mean a bad average, and that there is always a solution to every problem. There’s so many students that struggle with math, and sometimes it takes someone like Mr Hillier to get across to you that there’s more to math than just numbers and letters. So thank you Mr Hillier, for always believing in my full potential, for helping me understand life a little better, and for always being there to help me succeed. You always said that you weren’t there to hold me back, you were there to help me succeed. First year ever I looked forward to going to math class, your classroom is always filled with action figures, from Marvel, Avengers, you name it. Mr. Hillier, you’re one hell of a superhero. Don’t ever change.