Teachers change lives every day

Thank you, Mrs. Spracklin

Author: Kristen Head
Teacher's name: Verna Spracklin
Teacher's school: J. R. Smallwood Collegiate

When I was in grade 4, my parents split up/divorced. Like any child, I was devastated and thought my world was over. The only thing I looked forward to was going to school and being able to spend the day with Mrs. Spracklin, and pretending my world at home didn’t exist.

She was obviously filled in on my home situation but made everyday fun and exciting. She probably to this day doesn’t know what an impact she had on me at such a young age. Her love for teaching and us students helped me during such a rough time.

I’ve never been able to thank her for that. But I keep (in my sock drawer) a note she wrote me at the end of the year.

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